Sunday, February 3, 2013


I'm pouting today.  I really don't like waking up with a stomach ache and knowing that in a short while I will have to swallow the POUS (Pill Of Unusual Size).  My cat is especially needy this morning and I don't like her much at the moment.  I have a slight headache.  And tomorrow....oops, "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."-Matthew 6:34 (NIV)
I am ripe for a few admonitions from Jeremiah Burroughs (Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment), although I must admit there is some perverse pleasure in feeling sorry for myself.
"I have learned to be content in whatever state I am."-Philippians 4:11. These were Paul's words as he spoke to the Philippians and his words ring true to me today. 
Burroughs reminds me that "Contentment in every condition is a great art, a spiritual mystery.  It is to be learned as a mystery."  ("Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God."-2 Corinthians 3:5 (NKJV).)  Of course Burroughs is right.  It sure isn't coming naturally this morning!
Burroughs goes on to teach his grumpy student (me), "If the attainment of true contentment were as easy as keeping quiet outwardly, it would not need much learning.  It might be had with less strength and skill than an Apostle possessed, yea, less than an ordinary Christian has or may have.  Therefore, there is certainly more to it than can be attained by common gifts and the power of reason, which often bridle nature.  It is a business of the heart."  (How many times did we hear from a beloved Adult Sunday School teacher, "It's the Heart, Stupid!"  You know who you are, Dave H!)
Burroughs goes on to teach me, "It is the quiet of the heart.  All is sedate and still there." ("A heart at peace gives life to the body....."-Proverbs 14:30 (NIV) )
I think I'll stop here.  This ought to give me plenty to chew on in my quest for a much needed attitude adjustment.
Thanks, Jeremiah.  I needed that!


  1. first let's address the cat.. she is "needy" because you are needy. she is trying to comfort you. cats are very good at sensing their owners stress, illness. every think about when you are happy she's not around clinging to you? so you need not shoo her away she is doing her job.
    saturday we had the pleasure of saying goodbye to a very good christian man with kidney failure. even the day before he went to our Father he was singing songs of praise to the Almighty. here is the short version of a poem he lived his life by i thought i would share for we
    Life's battles don't always go
    to the strongest or fastest man,
    'cause sooner or later thee one who wins
    is the fellow who thinks he can.
    So don't run away from the test,
    aim high and give it your best,
    and don't forget to trust God,
    Let Him take care of the rest. cathy e

    1. Perfect timing for these words, Cathy. Thank you.
      PS..I have asked the cat for forgiveness and she has forgiven me :)

  2. kitty is just trying to take care of her mommy. she loves blankie time with mom. blankies and purring is suppose to make mom better.
    ginger will help with you tummy. have one of the grandkids go to sprouts ask for a liquid bottle of ginger. put a couple of drops on your wrists so you can sniff it. ron,s surgeon turned him onto this. it really settle's the tummy cathye
