Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring has sprung....

Does anyone besides me remember the old Burma Shave signs that would spring up along the sides of the highways years ago? We kids used to love them. A particular favorite was:
Spring has sprung,
The grass has 'riz,
Where last year's
Careless drivers is!
I could probably find a Scriptural application for that this morning but I'm not even going to try.
The trees are budding, the flowers are beginning to bloom, the grass is beautiful and my eyes are so puffed up from it all that I'm taking the day off.
Today will be a blog-less day.
PS: I realized that this isn't literally a blog-less day since I have already blogged. I guess I should have said, "Today will be an inspiration-less blog day".
Whatever I should have said, in the whole scheme of things does it really matter? Probably not.


  1. Dear sister,

    It matters very much to me, a bona fide member of the whole scheme of things. And o many others. Keep on blogging!!

    Why reeks the goat
    On yonder hill
    Who dines all day
    On chlorophyll?

    love j

    1. You are the best, sister j......and I really don't know why the goat reeks. He certainly shouldn't!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
