Friday, June 14, 2013

Leaning on the everlasting arms

Evidently a meeting of  Insomniacs Anonymous has been called and I'm not supposed to miss it. I can't talk to my fellow Insomniacs about tonight's topic because we're all, well, anonymous, but there is an element of excitement here since we know that we're about to be confronted with something tailored for each of us personally.  
Tonight, or rather this morning, I am being drawn again to the subject of faith, that mysterious but all-essential foundation of my relationship with God.  In a previous post I attempted to define faith in my own words but ended up quoting the verse in Hebrews that defines it so much better than I ever could.  I'll do it again:
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."-Hebrews 11:1 (ESV).
This was a tough concept to absorb in my "seeing is believing" world but years ago I stopped questioning whether or not faith existed and accepted what I really couldn't explain or fully understand.  It was at that point I began my serious walk with God. 
"Am I in trouble?  I can receive help by expressing faith.  Am I being battered by the Enemy?  My soul will find refuge by leaning in faith upon God.  But without faith I call to Him in vain, for faith is the only road between my soul and heaven.  If the road is blocked, how can I communicate with the Great King?"-Charles Spurgeon.  I would have loved knowing this man.
There's so much more to ponder about faith but I believe this meeting of Insomniacs Anonymous is drawing to a close.  I feel a few hours of restful slumber coming on, partially due to my faith in the reality that my God never slumbers.

  "...but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail...."-Luke 22:32 (ESV).

"......all things are possible for him who believes....."-Mark 9:23 (ESV).

On the health front:
Preceding my treatment was a good visit with my oncologist, Dr. Polowy,  and his Physician's Assistant, Jenna.
We learned that after my last treatment next week (Hallelujah!) I will be continuing my weekly blood draws until my levels indicate that my blood is recovering on its own.
My definitive PET scan will take place sometime near the end of July and my next appointment with Dr. Polowy will be on August 5.  At that appointment we will review the scan to discover whether or not this has all been worth it.
At this point it appears that my life as a hermit will continue for a few weeks until we see if my blood responds to its challenge of returning to acceptable levels, after which I will merge back into life as I once knew it.  I'm not sure how I'm feeling about all of this.  I think "excited and nervous" might apply at the moment.
And please forgive any typos you might find here.  My eyes are getting blurry.


  1. so i have the saturday morning 3:30am watch and catching up on the blog. I know when i look up past the trees there is a beautiful light that shines.
    chin up my friend

  2. Hi Cathy, and welcome to Insomniacs Anonymous :)
    It's always good to hear from you.
